We are no longer going to be using the GitLab instance at https://gitlab.ssc.dev/ and will be using a GitLab group moving forward. The new url is https://gitlab.com/UWyo-SSC. You should be able to request access to the group after making a GitLab (on gitlab.com) account. Owners of projects can export projects from the self-hosted instance and import them into the new group see this guide: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/settings/import_export.html#export-a-project-and-its-data.

We are no longer going to be using the GitLab instance at https://gitlab.ssc.dev/ and will be using a GitLab group moving forward. The new url is https://gitlab.com/UWyo-SSC. You should be able to request access to the group after making a GitLab (on gitlab.com) account. Owners of projects can export projects from the self-hosted instance and import them into the new group see this guide: https://bit.ly/436EKwb

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